COVID-19 vaccine makers invite G20 leaders to support the five steps to urgently advance COVID-19 vaccine equity

Innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies are at the forefront of the global effort to develop and manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. Despite a massive effort to scale up and produce billions of vaccine doses, COVID-19 vaccines currently are not equally reaching all priority populations worldwide. The innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies have supported fair and equitable access to vaccines from the outset of the pandemic, as full and active partners in the ACT-Accelerator.  In this spirit, these companies represented by seven industry bodies announced on 19 May 2021 the “Five steps to urgently advance COVID-19 vaccine equity”. Innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies commit in these five steps to working with governments and non-governmental organizations including COVAX, CEPI, and WTO to support stepping up dose sharing, continue efforts to optimize production, call out trade barriers to be eliminated, support country readiness, and continue driving innovation.  

Innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies are at the forefront of the global effort to develop and manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. This massive effort is succeeding. After more than 200 clinical trials and nearly 300 partnerships and collaborations among manufacturers worldwide, production has increased, in just a few months from zero to 2.2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses by the end of May with an astounding estimate of 11 billion doses by the end of 2021 (Airfinity data here). This will be enough doses to vaccinate the world’s adult population.

Critically, however, COVID-19 vaccines currently are not equally reaching all priority populations worldwide.

Manufacturers, governments, and non-governmental organizations must work together to take urgent steps to further address this inequity. Immediate action must focus on stepping up responsible dose sharing and maximizing production without compromising quality or safety.

To do so, ABPI, The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), The International Council of Biotechnology Associations (ICBA), International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Vaccines Europe on behalf of innovative vaccine manufacturers and biotech companies commit to:


  • Immediately work with governments that have significant domestic supplies of COVID-19 vaccine doses to share a meaningful proportion of their doses with low- and lower-middle-income countries in a responsible and timely way through COVAX or other efficient established mechanisms;
  • Expend every effort to make additional uncommitted COVID-19 vaccine doses available to low- and lower-middle income countries, through COVAX or other efficient established mechanisms.


  • Undertake all practicable efforts to maximize COVID-19 vaccine output without compromising safety and quality, including through additional collaborations with partners that can produce significant quantities;
  • Work with governments and individual suppliers of raw materials and components to determine how to quickly and safely facilitate scale up needed for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing.


  • Identify trade barriers for critical input materials and support Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations’ (CEPI’s) effort to create an independent platform that would identify and address gaps in these inputs and facilitate voluntary matchmaking for fill and finish capacity through the newly established COVAX Supply Chain and Manufacturing Task Force;
  • Urge governments, in coordination with the World Trade Organization(WTO), to eliminate all trade and regulatory barriers to export and to adopt policies that facilitate and expedite the cross-border supply of key raw materials, essential manufacturing materials, vaccines along with the prioritized movement of skilled workforce needed for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing.


  • Partner with governments on COVID-19 vaccine deployment, particularly in low- and lower-middle income countries, to ensure that they are ready and able to deploy available doses within their shelf life;
  • Mitigate the risks to the production and deployment of other vaccines that remain vital to public health worldwide.


  • Prioritize the development of new COVID-19 vaccines, including vaccines effective against variants of concern;
  • Urge governments to guarantee unhindered access to pathogens (e.g. samples and sequences) of any COVID-19 variants to support the development of new vaccine and treatments.

Press contacts

ABPI: Elaine Towell

BIO: Jacy Gomez

EFPIA: Andrew Powrie-Smith

IFPMA: Abigail Jones

PhRMA: Megan Van Etten


ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. Our members supply cutting edge treatments that improve and save the lives of millions of people. We work in partnership with Government and the NHS so patients can get new treatments faster and the NHS can plan how much it spends on medicines. Every day, we partner with organisations in the life sciences community and beyond to transform lives across the UK.

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is the world’s largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations.

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents the biopharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 36 national associations, 39 leading pharmaceutical companies and a growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), EFPIA’s mission is to create a collaborative environment that enables our members to innovate, discover, develop and deliver new therapies and vaccines for people across Europe, as well as contribute to the European economy. 

The International Council of Biotechnology Associations (ICBA) is a coalition of non-profit, national biotechnology trade associations formed to promote public understanding of, and to advocate for, public policies that support the growth of the innovative biotechnology industries. The ICBA represents the global voice of the industry in international fora with the goal of promoting continued innovation in the human health, agriculture, and industrial and environmental sectors.

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) represents research-based pharmaceutical companies and associations across the globe. The research-based pharmaceutical industry’s 2 million employees research, develop and provide medicines and vaccines that improve the life of patients worldwide. Based in Geneva, IFPMA has official relations with the United Nations and contributes industry expertise to help the global health community find solutions that improve global health.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) represents the country’s leading innovative biopharmaceutical research companies, which are devoted to discovering and developing medicines that enable patients to live longer, healthier and more productive lives. Since 2000, PhRMA member companies have invested nearly $1 trillion in the search for new treatments and cures, including an estimated $83 billion in 2019 alone.

Vaccines Europe was created in 1991 to provide a voice for the vaccine industry in Europe. The group represents vaccine companies of all sizes operating in Europe, and currently includes all the major global innovative and research-based vaccine companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises.